
Here’s another story for the narrative of AI-music startups developing tools for humans’ creativity, rather than displacing them.

We wrote about WaveAI’s launch of a musical AI app called Alysia back in 2019, although more recently its focus has been on LyricStudio, software to help songwriters when they are coming up with lyrics.

Now it’s launching a new, complementary tool that focuses on melodies. It’s called MelodyStudio, and is capable of generating vocal melodies and chords – again, with an emphasis on the human musician being in control of what is generated, and whether they want to use it or not.

“Our AI is not designed to compete with musicians or steal the spotlight, but instead be an ally acting as a humble sage, sitting quietly in the background until you need its help,” is how CEO Dr Maya Ackerman described its role.

The business model is subscription, with a launch offer charging musicians $5.99 a month for its pro tier, with cheaper six-months and yearly options.

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