An iñua is a spirit or soul that exists in all people, animals, water, and plants. For Iñuit,
our people, animals, and land share an intimate relationship - we have ceremony and traditions to ensure the animal and plant iñua is released in a respectful way. We traditionally believed this would allow them to come back and continue to feed our families.

Siḷa translated literally is weather, but traditional knowledge tells us it is also the breath of life that connects us all. Siḷa connects the iñuat all around us, what happens to the land and animals, happens to us.

Our Mission

Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic’s mission is to create space for healthy communities, spiritually, mentally, and physically; fostering the connection between people, culture and land. We are empowered as frontline communities and those who have inherent connection with the land and what it provides.

We are S.I.L.A.

We are an organization of Iñupiat Peoples and community members that believe in a balanced Earth for future generations. We are guided by our principles, elders, and advisory board for a movement towards a sustainable, equitable society. This work is done through an intersectional lens that is inclusive and safe. The tools we are using for this movement are:

Iñupiaqatigiigñiq: Traditional Iñupiat Values

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  • Community engagement

  • Shareholder engagement

  • Knowledge sharing events

  • Political advocacy

  • Language revitalization

  • Iñupiaq intergenerational cultural revitalization


  • Ensure Iñupiat values are the core of our movement.

  • Unlearn, Dismantle, Heal, and Create.

  • Our communities are the experts.

  • Grow an inclusive movement for all.

  • Create space for people to speak for themselves.

  • Work together in unity, solidarity, and accountability to each other.

  • Strive to build fair and just relationships in our organizing.

  • Uplifting marginalized & oppressed voices that align with Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic.

  • Commit to transition from an extractive and unsustainable economy to a sustainable and regenerative economy that benefits the majority.

  • Acknowledge we live in a system of racial injustice and imbalance. We need to create a future that aligns with our Iñupiaq values and can sustain our future generations.

  • Be soulful.

Ponca, OK May 2019 Arctic Panel with Martha Itta, Stanley Aksaitaq Riley, Siqiñiq Thomas, Bernadette Demientieff, and Siqiñiq Maupin.

Ponca, OK May 2019 Arctic Panel with Martha Itta, Stanley Aksaitaq Riley, Siqiñiq Thomas, Bernadette Demientieff, and Siqiñiq Maupin.

Get Involved

If you want to get involved in our movement, email

Learn More →


Donate to support our grassroots movement today

We are a self supporting organization currently in the processes of becoming a stand alone non-profit. We apologize for the inconvenience, but at the moment, SILA is in the process of transitioning and working to establish a functioning donation button on our website. While we are working on implementing electronic donation capabilities, we kindly request that if you would like to make a donation, you send a check to the following address:

Sovereign Inupiat for a Living Arctic

c/o AK Community Action on Toxics

1225 E. Intl Rd, Suite 220

Anchorage, AK 99518

Your support is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to being able to accept electronic donations in the near future. Thank you for your understanding and generosity as we work towards our mission of creating a sustainable and thriving Arctic environment.